Europe Cylinder Refill Kit

  • Europe Cylinder Refill Kit

    Code: 112390
  • Europe Bottle Set
    4 spacers, meaning that each DIN regulator fits numerous foreign gas cylinders.

      Countries Gas supplier
    Italy, Switzerland Vetta Gas
    2 Italy Liqui, Butane, Agip, Mi, Pibi gas
    3 Norway, Austria, Portugal,
    Scotland, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden
    Primus, Pibi, Kosan gas
    4 Denmark, England, France, Holland,
    Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Spain
    Nordisk-Flaskengas, Calor,
    Botto, Esso, Thermo, Drachen,
    Primus, Butano, Oban gas
    Some German connections are identical to the following countries:
    Belgium, Greenland, Holland, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Sweden