Katadyn Micropur Forte MF 10000P powder water disinfection drinking water 100g

  • Katadyn Micropur Forte MF 10000P powder water disinfection drinking water 100g

    Code: 110407
  • Micropur Forte MF 10,000P disinfects clear tap water and keeps it germ-free for up to 6 months thanks to silver ions. The oxidation effect of chlorine eliminates not only bacteria but also viruses

    Katadyn Micropur Forte can be used wherever microbiologically unsafe tap water needs to be disinfected for drinking, cooking or washing

    It is also an ideal preservative for water in water tanks, water baths, cooling circuits, heating circuits, humidifiers, cisterns, incubators, in residential properties, on boats, while traveling as well as hiking and more. For turbid water, use in combination with a Katadyn filter


    • Technology: Silver ions combined with chlorine
    • Contact time: 30 min for bacteria and viruses, 2 h for Giardia in clear water
    • Effect: eliminates bacteria and viruses in 30 min, preserves drinking water up to 6 months
    • Shelf life: 3 years.
    • Dosage: 1 g powder per 100 liters
    • Content: 100 g powder for 10.000 liters
    • Storage: in closed original package dry and below 25° C
    • Application: In camps, when traveling and hiking