ProTec Diesel Anti Freeze System Protection 75 ml

  • ProTec Diesel Anti Freeze System Protection 75 ml

    Code: 854238
  • Diesel Antifreeze (DAF) is a specially developed high-performance system protection for improving the flow of diesel fuels. DAF prevents the cold-induced growth of coarse kerosene crystals. This greatly improves the pour point of the diesel fuel and thus prevents clogging of the fuel filters. Depending on the diesel quality, the pour point (CFPP value = Cold Filter Plugging Point) can be reduced by up to -13 °C.

    Intended use
    Diesel fuels (e.g. summer and winter diesel, diesel engines in the plant sector) in car/truck/commercial vehicle diesel engines (biodiesel content max. 10%), as well as heating oils.

    Add the entire contents of the can to the diesel fuel tank before refueling. In order to ensure optimal effect of the antifreeze, it is necessary to add DAF before thickening the fuel. This means that the addition should take place at temperatures above 0 °C (approx. 5 °C is recommended). An already existing thickening can not be dissolved by DAF afterwards.
    Mixing at fuel temperatures below -20 °C (winter diesel) can no longer be ensured. Here we also recommend adding at temperatures above 0 °C.

    Reaction time
    Acts during driving.

    75ml sufficient for 50-80L diesel, 1:1000

    Filling quantity 75 ml